- Refraction (Wet)
- Fundoscopy
- Orthoptic Evaluation
- Squint Evaluation
- Visual Field Assessment
- Tarsorrhaphy
- Ptosis Surgery
- Squint Surgery (Adult) 1 Muscle
- Squint Surgery (Adult) 2 Muscles
- Squint Surgery (Pediatric)
- Lid Repair
- Conjuctuctival Repair
- Corneal Repair
- Lens Washout And Anterior Vitrectomy
- Cataract Surgery Without Lens
- Catarat Surgery With Pmma Lens
- Cataract Extracton With Acrlylic Lens
- Phacoemulsification
- Phacotrab
- Evisceration
- Evisceration With Implant
- Exetenction
- Orbitotomy
- Eua
- Enucleation
- Enucleation With Implants
Minor Procedure:
- Prothesis Fitting
- Prothesis Polishing
- Foreign Body Removal
- Suture Removal
- Probing $ Syringing
- Incision And Curatage
- Irrigation For Chemical Injury
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